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About us

Our mission:

To connect and promote businesses serving Byron, provide networking opportunities and assist our members in achieving continued prosperity in the community.

What do we do to help achieve our mission?

NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES:  Meet & Greets and Lunch & Learns are the premier networking events for the Byron Chamber.  The  Meet & Greets are opportunities for Chamber members and their employees to network with other members while learning a bit more about the monthly host.

COMMITTEES:  Work effectively with other Chamber volunteers on special committees and other task forces.

SPECIAL EVENTS & COMMUNITY FESTIVALS:  Throughout the year the Chamber participates in and hosts several events such as the Byron Good Neighbor Days, Halloween Party and Brrr Fest. - providing membership opportunities to get involved and help create awareness for our local businesses.

MEMBER RECEPTIONS/GRAND OPENINGS:  The Chamber promotes its membership with requests for receptions, grand openings and ribbon cuttings.

BYRON CHAMBER COMMUNITY GUIDE:  The Chamber will print a membership directory as a relocation guide which has previously been sent out to hundreds of potential residents every year.  The City also uses this as a marketing resource tool to provide to prospective businesses who are looking to relocated or establish a new business in Byron.

WEBSITE:  Our website offers information to the public and even more information to a member.  The public will be able to access information from our homepage, about us, events, news, new member application, member directory and helpful City links.

As a member, our website will also give you access more detailed information of other members. Members will also receive notifications and reminders automatically of upcoming events and renew your annual dues through our website.  Members will be able enter into a members-only chatroom/forum.  This forum can be used in many ways.  The purpose of this forum is for professionals to help professionals, made easy.  Maybe you want to post a question on the forum that will enable other members respond?  Maybe you want to promote a sale or offer member discounts?  Maybe you want to alert our members to a new job posting?  Our homepage will also feature a "Business of the Week" spotlight.  This will allow your business to be showcased to the public and our members at no cost.

P.O. Box 764, Byron, MN  55920

For more information, you can reach us at

Byron Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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